How to build a solid Content Strategy that works for all Niches

Everyone needs a good foundation - from Makeup to Construction

Without a foundation, we’d still get results, but the success and sustainability of those results are going to be questionable. No matter what industry your business is in, a solid foundation and framework are essential. Your efforts shouldn't be for nothing. Where do I start and what does it look like? I hope you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty - because we’ll be getting to it today.

a busy desk scattered with newspaper, prints, laptops and plastic crates

Why you should have a Content Strategy for your business

A content strategy is like the blueprint of a building; it provides structure and direction for your content creation efforts. Without it, you’re essentially throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. A well-thought-out content strategy helps you to:

  • Define Your Goals: What do you want to achieve with your content? More engagement, brand awareness, or lead generation?

  • Understand Your Audience: Knowing your audience's needs and preferences allows you to tailor your content to them.

  • Ensure Consistency: A strategy helps maintain a consistent voice, style, and posting schedule.

  • Measure Success: It provides benchmarks and KPIs to measure the effectiveness of your content efforts.

Wondering how to track your marketing efforts? Check out this guide.

How to build a solid Content Strategy in 3 Steps

Whether you already share social media content to your business accounts or are looking to get your first post online - follow these steps for developing a strong social media strategy.

If you’re brand new to social media, become clear about what your brand stands for and what value you provide.

You could ask yourself these questions:
What is the primary mission of your business? 

What impact do you want to make?

How do I want my business to be perceived by my target audience?
What is the main social media marketing goal?

Not sure how to define a marketing goal for your business? We got you!

Laptop Presentation of Social Media Audit and Strategy for Interior Design Studio

#1 Perform a Social Media Audit

Start out by conducting a social media audit of your social media accounts. This will give you a better understanding of how your content is currently performing. What are your strengths, weaknesses and resulting opportunities?

Don’t forget to see how your competitors are holding up.

Analyzing your competitors helps you identify what’s working for others in your industry and finding gaps you can fill.

Socialkind Studio Instagram Grid Content Pillars

#2 Set your Content Pillars

Based on the social media audit you determine content pillars for your business. Content pillars are the main topics or themes around which your content is centered. They act as the foundation of your content strategy and ensure that your social media content is varied, relevant, and engaging.

3 common content pillars are educational content, entertaining content, and inspirational looks.


#3 Creating Your Content Calendar

Once you have your content pillars, it’s time to create a content calendar. Nothing is worse than wondering what to share minutes before a post is supposed to be online. This tool helps you plan and organize your posts in advance, ensuring a steady stream of content without the last-minute scramble.

  1. Plan Monthly Themes: Align your content with seasonal events, holidays, or product launches.

  2. Schedule Regular Posts: Consistency is key in social media. Decide how often you’ll post and stick to it. No matter what any marketing guru tells you - it doesn’t have to be 7 times a week! 

  3. Mix Up Your Content: Balance different types of posts—videos, images, articles, and interactive content.


Types of Content That Drive Engagement

Educational Content

Providing valuable information to your audience positions you as an authority in your niche. This can be how-to guides, tips, and tricks, industry news, or deep dives into specific topics related to your business.

Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as polls, quizzes, and live Q&A sessions, can significantly boost user engagement. People love content that allows them to participate and voice their opinions.

How can you integrate an interactive content strategy? We’re glad you asked.

User-Generated Content

Encourage your audience to share their experiences with your products or services. User-generated content not only builds community but also acts as social proof, showing potential customers real-life usage and satisfaction.


Implementing & adjusting your Content Strategy

A content strategy is not set in stone. It should evolve based on the performance of your content and changes in your industry. Regularly review your analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Be prepared to tweak your approach and experiment with new ideas.

TIP: Recycling Content

Everyone has a different way of perceiving and understanding content, so you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel. Recycling and repurposing your best-performing content can extend its life and reach new audiences. For example, turn a popular blog post into a series of social media posts or an infographic. This not only saves time but also reinforces key messages.



We provided you with the framework, but we also know just the right people for the job.   Socialkind specializes in streamlining your social media marketing - from creating content strategies tailored to your unique needs, creating on-brand content, community management and more. Whether you're in makeup, construction, or any other niche, we’ve got you covered. Let's build a social media presence that drives results.

Ready to have us shape your content into the powerhouse it can be? Reach out to us today, and let’s start creating!


Polaroid of Woman in Jeans with long blonde hair Katharina Garmon Socialkind Studio



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