Your Social Media Metrics Guide for tracking Success on Social Media

What to track on your social media - and why.

Understanding the performance of your social media marketing is important to determine if it was a great or a total flop. But with so many different metrics available, it can be challenging to know which ones truly matter. 

That’s why we put together your Social Media Metrics Guide when it comes to tracking social media metrics.

your social media metrics guide

Why is tracking Social Media Metrics important?

Tracking social media metrics is more than just a numbers game—it's about gaining valuable insights into your audience, content performance, and overall social media strategy. Tracking your social media metrics can help you identify what's working, what's not, and where to focus your efforts for maximum impact. 

Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost engagement, tracking the right metrics is essential for achieving your social media marketing goals.

infographic of primary social media marketing goals like brand awareness website traffic audience growth content promotion community engagement connect with audience

Essential Social Media Metrics To Track

The list is loooong - and what to track really depends on your social media marketing goals. So without further ado, let's dive into the essential social media metrics you should be tracking to measure the success of your social media strategy:

What Social Media Metrics should I track?

Creative Content: Analyzing your Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics are the most common social media metrics to track (according to Sprout Social).

like comment share save stickers


The number of likes your posts receive indicates how well they resonate with your audience.


Comments provide valuable feedback and insights into your audience's thoughts, opinions, and preferences.


Shares indicate that your content is compelling and worthy of sharing with others, extending your reach and brand visibility.


This one is often being underrated. Saves show that users find your content valuable enough to bookmark for future reference.


Understanding Social Media Engagement

Engagement metrics are key indicators of how your audience interacts with your content, reflecting their level of interest and connection with your brand.

Here's what you need to know:


This metric measures the level of interaction your content receives, including likes, comments, and shares. A high engagement rate signals an engaged and interested audience.

infographic how to calculate engagement rate

Is your engagement rate down? Try this strategy to boost your audience engagement.


CTR compares the number of clicks on your content to the number of times it's been viewed. A higher CTR indicates effective content and ad performance.

Tracking these metrics not only helps gauge your performance but also provides valuable insights for improving your content strategy and staying ahead of the competition.


Growing Your Audience: What Metrics Matter?

When it comes to measuring your social media success, audience growth metrics play an important role. While some may dismiss follower count as a vanity metric, it actually offers valuable insights into your channel's health and the effectiveness of your efforts.

Here are key audience growth metrics to keep an eye on:


This metric reveals the net new followers gained over a specific period. It helps you assess the impact of your content, campaigns, and experiments.


This percentage indicates how quickly your audience is expanding or contracting within a set timeframe. It's calculated by dividing the followers gained by the initial number of followers and multiplying by 100.

infographic how to calculate follower growth rate

Want to know the secret to growing on social media? Here it is.


While often overlooked, monitoring changes in your follower count monthly, quarterly, and yearly provides essential context for higher-level metrics.


Tip: We stand by it - your audience isn’t just numbers.

To really understand your audience and if your strategy is working, go the extra mile to analyze your audience demographics. These metrics will provide you with helpful insights about your audience location, age, gender and their most active times. 


Understanding Impressions & Reach: Awareness Metrics

Impressions and reach offer insights into the visibility and potential viewership of your content.


The number of times a post is displayed to someone. It's a good indicator of content popularity and potential viewer engagement.


The number of individuals who have seen a post. While similar to impressions, reach focuses on unique viewers rather than total views.


On platforms like TikTok, views are equivalent to impressions and are essential for gauging content visibility and awareness.

While these metrics provide valuable insights individually, they are most powerful when combined with other performance metrics like engagement, conversion rate, and view duration. Together, they offer a comprehensive understanding of your social media impact and effectiveness.



This was a lot… But don't worry, we've got you covered.
At Socialkind Studio, tracking social media metrics is our expertise. Our team will take care of creating compelling content that’s unique to your business, monitoring your performance, analyzing the data, and providing actionable insights to help you achieve your social media goals.

So you can focus on your business while we create engaging content, growing your brand and handling the nitty-gritty of tracking success on social media. Ready to take your social media game to the next level? Contact us today!


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