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The Best Interactive Content Strategy To Increase User Engagement

We’re not talking Engagement Pods

Seriously, engagement pods should never even be an option. Interactive content is the way to go if you’re looking to up your social media game and really connect with your audience. It’s engaging, fun, and can significantly boost your user engagement. Forget "follow for follow" – let’s explore how you can create interactive content that really connects with your audience and sparks attention.

What is Interactive Content?

The kind of content we’ve all come across and can’t help but click, swipe, comment… Interactive content is more than just eye-catching visuals. It’s about creating a two-way conversation with your audience. Unlike traditional content, which is mostly passively consumed, interactive content requires active participation from the user. This can be anything from clicking, swiping, or answering questions. It’s designed to engage users on a deeper level, making them a part of the experience.

3 Ways to Create Interactive Content

There are various types of interactive content you can create to engage your audience. Here are some popular ones:

1. Polls or Quizzes?

We’d vote for both! Who doesn’t love them? Quizzes and polls are a fantastic way to not only engage your audience but also get to know them. They’re fun, quick, and provide instant feedback. Plus, they can be tailored to fit your brand and audience interests.

Instagram for example offers a variety of interactive stickers to include in your story to engage your audience - here are some of our favorites:
The question sticker is a great option for quizzes that provide your audience immediate results. Polls are a great tool to get an opinion between two different things - coffee or tea? The sliding bar is often used to indicate someone’s mood level but this tool is more versatile than you may think if you think outside of the box. And the newest addition is the reveal sticker for those who have a very engaged audience already. This requires your audience to give an answer to reveal a blurred image.

2. Let’s collect some data.

Infographics are great for presenting information visually, but interactive infographics take it a step further. By adding clickable elements, animations, and other interactive features, you can make your infographics more engaging and informative - and collect insights straight from your community.

LinkedIn is a great platform to utilize interactive infographics and get niche specific expert answers. These polls run for a week.
Sharing an educational post is one thing - but asking for your audiences votes is a fun way to build and engage your community.

3. So, what do you think about…

Besides a good story, people love voicing their opinions and giving advice. Create content that encourages your viewers to share their individual opinions. To take it a step further, follow up with active users via DM. This will make them feel valued and appreciated, fostering a deeper connection with your brand.

This can be as simple as asking about your audiences preferences on something, like what’s your favorite Social Media Platform? Think outside the box here. You are not limited to instagram story question stickers. Asking for your audience’s opinion can also be your post CTA.
This feature is even available on platforms like spotify - which is a great tool to gather listeners information and create a two-way-street of communication on less engaging platform.

We’re not talking about Spotify’s campaigns here – because their campaigns are next level. We’ll go into more detail on this later, so keep reading.

But story stickers and post polls aren’t the only way to engage an audience. Try storytelling to get your audiences hooked.

The positive Ripple Effect of an Engaging Audience

Interactive content offers numerous benefits for your brand. Here are a few:

1. Increased User Engagement

Interactive content encourages users to engage with your content rather than passively scrolling past it. This increased engagement can lead to higher retention rates and more shares. 

2. Better Understanding of Your Audience

Interactive content often comes with built-in analytics, providing you with valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors. This information will guide you in creating content that they’ll love. Based on the analytics you can refine your content strategy and create even more engaging content in the future.

Let’s learn from the big players. These are some of our favorite interactive content strategies - which are still going strong. Can you guess them?

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Best Interactive Campaigns that increased Engagement

Let’s look at some examples of brands that have successfully used interactive content to boost user engagement:

Spotify Wrapped

Tis the season… when it hits the end of the year every user gets equally annoyed about their friends stories, as well as excited to see their own stats. Spotify Wrapped has absolutely become a yearly staple every listener is looking forward to. Spotify’s annual “Wrapped” campaign is a brilliant example of interactive content. By providing users with personalized data on their listening habits, Spotify creates a highly engaging and shareable experience. 

Shot on iPhone

This has been a big win-win situation for the Tech Giant. Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” campaign is a fantastic example of leveraging user-generated content. By encouraging users to shoot content on their iPhones and share it with a specific hashtag #shotoniphone, Apple not only showcased the quality of their product but also created a community of engaged users. The best content is featured in Apple’s marketing to this day, giving users a sense of recognition and accomplishment.

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Interactive content is a powerful tool for getting to know your audience, building a stronger and deeper connection, and boosting user engagement. Whether you’re creating quizzes, polls, infographics, or interactive videos, the key is to make your content fun, engaging, and relevant to your audience.

We believe that your audience isn’t just numbers… we love the social side of social media – connecting with your audience. Ready to boost your engagement? We specialize in creating interactive content that captivates and engages your audience. Contact us to make your content unforgettable!


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